- Check haircut, uniform and punctuality of your child in the morning.
- See, that your child carries books/copies according to the time table of the day.
- Keep restriction on giving daily pocket money.
- Your child should be instructed to take care of his/her articles.
- “Leave for half day should be avoided as far as possible for security reasons. If there is emergency then the parents themselves should contack to the school office.”
- If the children are sick they should not be send to school.
- Parents will not allowed to visit the class or meet the teacher during hours without prior permission of the principal. They should come only during the time given on every last working day of the months.
- Parents attention is drawn to the fact that the criticism of teacher or the school in the presence of a child cause the child to lose his/her respect for the teachers and will retord his/her progress.
- Please ensure us that only chapatti/paratha vegetables or fruits will be send with child with child in the lunch.
- If student is suffering from any disease harmful to others should not sent to the school till his/her complete recovery.
- Parents/ guardian should not go to the class room directly during school hours. They may contact the teacher after the school hours or on appointment.
Our Guidelines
Posted on by admin