Examination/Evaluation specifications
- The students have to appear in all the test and examination prescribed for the cession by school.
- The following test & examinations are conducted in a session:-
- PT-1(pre mid term)
- PT-2(half yearly mid term)
- PT-3(post mid term)
- Pre board
- Annual
- Student securing 33% and above in all the subjects are eligiblefor promotion. Students have to secure 33% marks in each subject and there will be no grace for them.
- No rank system is there, but subject merit will be given in each of the main subject.
- The students getting merits in maximum subject will be the “topper” of the respective class.
- Students found using unfair means during any test/examination will be marked “zero” in the subject and no Re-rest will be held for such students.
- If you want to see any copy of Annual Exams; then sent 50 rs. With application for single paper maximum two copies are allowed to see.